PEI 2014 Inc. Kicks Off Promotional Tour in Halifax

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PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 2014 INC. - PEI 2014 Kicks Off Anniversary

HALIFAX, NS, Oct. 15, 2013 /CNW/ – Today, PEI 2014 Inc. unveiled the Official PEI 2014 Celebration Calendar to media and special guests in Halifax, as part of the Island Roadshow: Celebrating the Birthplace of Confederation. Packed with more than 150 exciting events and celebrations taking place on the Island, the diverse calendar of events proves that 2014 really is the best time to visit Prince Edward Island.  The year-long Sesquicentennial celebrations will see the province buzzing with activity and alive with Canadian pride in recognition of the historic Charlottetown Conference of 1864.  The events and activities will pave the way for the nation-wide celebrations in 2017 – Canada’s 150th birthday.

Some of the Island’s top musicians are engaged in the promotional tour – including Chas Guay (the name is misspelled in the article.. Chaz).  A link to the full story below.


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