The Ballad of Stompin’ Tom is Open!

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Opening Night for The Ballad of Stompin Tom was Saturday, June 28th, to an enthusiastic, responsive crowd at the Harbourfront Theatre in Summerside, Prince Edward Island.  The show has somber moments, heart-felt acting and singing, comedy, superb acting from everyone involved (with the youngest aged 5) and a stellar band of four hand-picked musicians by Chas, Musical Director, for the show.  On drums, Dale DesRoches; guitar, Roland Beaulieu; keys/fiddle, Billy MacInnis (who partook in many tours with Stompin’ Tom before his death in 2013); and Chas on bass. The crowd was on their feet before anyone appeared for curtain call, keeping the clapping going (on the beat) from the previous number of the show.  The air was electric!

Tom’s long-time manager, Brian Edwards, was in the house (the third time in three nights) and is reported to be quite taken with the show and the Summerside production overall.  Lena (Tom’s widow), Tom junior and other family members are expected to see the show in the next few weeks as they are travelling to PEI.

For more information on the show, visit the Harbourfront Theatre

If you are looking for another opinion, check out the editorial in The Guardian on Wednesday, July 2nd.  Joan Peters of North Rustico gives the show extremely positive feedback, acknowledging she was skeptical before she saw the show but has since changed her tune.

Congratulations to everyone involved.  Have a great summer… and it is recommended to get your tickets early… don’t be disappointed that you might miss out on this one!

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